100Fold Publishing exists to strengthen the church and its members by making God’s word and His work known to the Swahili-speaking world. We believe that the church's growth is deeply rooted in access to sound biblical teaching, and our mission is to bridge the language gap, ensuring that Swahili speakers can fully engage with transformative Christian literature.
Our work is centered on a deep commitment to the spiritual growth of our Swahili-speaking brothers and sisters. We fulfill this mission by partnering with respected international Christian publishers such as Desiring God, 9Marks, Ligonier Ministries, and Truth for Life. Through these partnerships, we carefully select the content that addresses the specific spiritual needs of the Swahili church.
Recognizing the unique challenges and opportunities within the Swahili-speaking community, we carefully curate materials that are both theologically sound and culturally relevant. Once selected, these resources are translated into Swahili by a dedicated team of translators who are linguistically proficient and passionate about the gospel. Our goal is to make these vital resources accessible to those who might otherwise be unable to benefit from them, thereby enabling believers to grow into the fullness of Christ.
We envision a vibrant and spiritually mature Swahili-speaking church that is well-equipped to live out its calling in Christ. By providing high-quality, doctrinally sound materials in the heart language of millions, we aim to see individuals and communities transformed by the power of God’s word.